159. Yes they could

Publié le par Polo

Today I woke up as usual at 6 AM, and as usual I've been awoken by the radio.
The first words I've heard were said in the same time, somewhere in a stadium in Chicago, far away from me, at 1 AM.
First words of a new President, center of an historical event. I must confess I've drawn several tears.
How may I make you figure out my joy, me who admire M. L. King so much.

Few moths ago, I sadly admitted I did not believe that Americans were ready to such a change.
Today I'm sincerely happy to have been wrong.

But it would be so foolish to consider it's the end of the path.
Now we've the best pretender, let's see what will happen.

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Oui, bon, c'est pas comme si je bossais mes textes plus que quelques minutes, le temps de les écrire.Et comme d'habitude, c'est écrit sur le moment, c'est pas du réfléchi ni rien de tout ça...
Heuuuuuu je veux pas être méchante mon petit Polo, mais il y a quelques fautes :pBon en attendant, Change / Yes we can / Stand up 4 Obama... Though I am a little bit afraid of that kind of charismatic man, let's face it, our President is that kind of man and campaigned on the same items!